Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Some items needed for ministry.

Hey great to hear from you all . Just a quick update , today my wife and I and a couple of others ( Jose,Luis from DR. , and Marco- A visitor from Mexico) ) went to that dump, we actually just got back a 1/2 hr ago.

We ministered to the people there, men ,women and children. We gave them a cup of hot soup and some water. We were able to share the love of Christ with approx 40 people.

We saw the effect that we were able to have by orderly providing a basic meal to them ,gave us a door of opportunity to share the gospel with them.

We discussed a few things with each other that might be very effective for the ministry. So these are few needs for the feeding ministry and discipleship ministry/Church.

They are as follows:

1. A megaphone/bullhorn.- To communicate to more people without having to shout...

2. Large stock pots – for more soup.

3. Good , silicone oven mitts- Dishing out the hot soup often burns my hands.

4. Lg. Bags of soup stock/mixes.

5. Small individually packaged cookies or cakes.

6. Tupperware/rubbermaid containers

7. Coleman water coolers lg orange type

8. Coolers – kind for picnics

9. Bags of rice,beans,barley

10. Styro-foam cups,bowls.

11. Plastic forks,spoons,knives

12.Flip flops for men and women or sneakers(tennis shoes)

13. Folding plastic tables

14. Table clothes- cloth

15. Communion cups (small), trays for communion.

16. School and art supplies; binders,construction paper,paints,clay,pencils,notebooks.

This list is to give you some ideas , and options on what's needed, we of course appreciate anything that you can give ......

Please be sure to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Kindest regards, and many blessing's to you.

Chris Sarchfield, Kim Sarchfield



  1. Chris, can these be purchased locally (need finances) or sent from states Gary Sill

  2. Hi Gary, for your question and for others,
    Yes a lot can be purchased locally ;therefore finances are needed.
    But soome of these items can be purchased/found so much easier in the USA/Canada and shipped via
    The flights come to Santiago DR , (STI) which is a 1.5 Hr drive by auto from Sosua, DR.
